7 Tipps für einen gesunden Säure-Base-Haushalt

7 Tips for a Healthy Acid-Base Balance

There are various natural measures to To counteract hyperacidity and to stabilize the acid-base balance .

alkaline diet

A diet rich in alkaline foods such as fruits, vegetables, herbs, potatoes and almonds, helps to eliminate excess acids Especially green leafy vegetables and citrus fruits (which are have an alkaline effect on the body) are helpful.

Adequate fluid intake

Drinking plenty of water or herbal teas supports the excretion of acids via the kidneys. Alkaline mineral water (with a high content of bicarbonate) can be particularly helpful.

Moderate exercise

Regular, moderate exercise promotes metabolism and excretion of acids through sweat. Activities such as yoga or walking are particularly effective.

stress relief

Chronic stress promotes acid formation in the body. Relaxation methods such as meditation, breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation or Mindfulness techniques can reduce stress and stabilize pH levels.

Avoiding acid-forming foods

Reduction of highly acid-forming foods such as meat, sugar, Coffee, alcohol and processed foods helps to reduce the acid load minimize.

breathing techniques

Deep, conscious breathing promotes the excretion of carbon dioxide, which acidic effect in the body. Regular breathing exercises can help to to regulate acid-base balance.

Basic applications

Alkaline foot or full baths support deacidification through the skin. Acids are excreted through sweat, which additionally relieved.

The combination of these measures can effectively lead to a healthy acid-base balance. In particular, for maintaining healthy pH values in the tissue, a healthy lifestyle is essential.

To support an acid-base treatment and the natural deacidification of the tissue we recommend Jorinde Acid-Base-Balance and Jorinde Right lactic acid preparation.

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