Basic accompanying measures during the detoxification treatment
The four basic accompanying measures contribute significantly to the success of your Jorinde program. Therefore, implement as many measures as possible while you are carrying out your Jorinde program.
drinking cure
Per day: 30 ml of water or herbal tea (without sugar) per kilogram of body weight.
Example: You weigh 65 kg. This gives:
65 x 30 ml = 1950 ml = 1.95 l
This means: Drink 1.95 l of water or herbal tea (without sugar) daily.
Example: You weigh 85 kg. This gives:
85 x 30 ml = 2550 ml = 2.55 l
This means: Drink 2.55 l of water or herbal tea (without sugar) daily.
30 minutes per day at a pulse of 100 or more beats per minute.
Or 10,000 steps per day.
During your Jorinde program, minimize consumption of:
- Sugar
- gluten-containing foods
- milk and dairy products
- caffeine
- alcohol
12-hour fasting break
During the 12-hour fast, you are allowed to eat for 12 hours. You do not eat anything for the next 12 hours.
Example: If you eat breakfast at 7 a.m., you can eat until 7 p.m. in the evening, not later.
Further information
Further information and instructions on measures to be taken during the detoxification treatment can be found in your “Personal Guide”, which you will receive free of charge with your order.