Heavy metal detoxification with natural means
Due to the constant increase in environmental pollution caused by pollutants, more and more people chronic heavy metal contamination. 1 Heavy metals accumulate in our blood vessels, connective tissue, bones, nerves and even in the brain.
Toxic metals such as mercury, cadmium, lead or Aluminium is now so dangerous because it is deposited in the and accumulation increasingly weaken our immune system and even in the smallest quantities can profoundly disrupt biological processes.
The removal of heavy metals by natural means is therefore one of the central tools for the recovery and maintenance of human health in naturopathy and an integral part of regulatory therapy .
Here you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions on the topic Heavy metals and heavy metal detoxification .
What are heavy metals? Where do they occur?
Heavy metals form a group within the metals whose However, characteristics are not clearly or uniformly defined for the In other words, there are different definitions.
In addition, strictly speaking, not all metals that enter our bodies and can therefore harm our health, heavy metals, although they are usually referred to as such. Correctly, one should speak of toxic metals .
For the sake of simplicity, we follow the habit of using these toxic Metals are referred to as heavy metals .
Some metals have an effect even in very small quantities toxic to our body. Other metals, however, are even necessary for the functioning of our body. We are talking about the so-called essential trace elements , which include Iron, copper and zinc. Here, toxicity is a question of dose.
But when we talk about heavy metal pollution , we mean a toxic type or amount of metals. This Heavy metals can, when absorbed into the human organism, lead to lead to various types of damage.
The most important and common heavy metals
The most important or important in the context of detoxification and regulation therapy most common metals are:
heavy metal | Happen |
aluminum | Cookware, deodorants, toothpaste, white flour, baking powder, etc. |
arsenic | Tobacco, pesticides (until the 1980s), wood preservatives (until 2004), component of some pharmaceuticals, electronics industry, metal alloys, glass production, etc. |
Lead | Shipbuilding, radiation protection, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, construction, pyrotechnics, many areas of the chemical industry |
cadmium | Pollution of soil and groundwater by fertilizers and atmospheric deposition, is used in batteries, as Corrosion protection, in plastics and in fossil fuels contain |
mercury | Large amounts of mercury still circulate in air, water, soils and ecosystems. As a result of the extraction and use of mercury Over the years, hundreds of thousands of tons of it have been transported by humans into the environment. Today, the mercury content in the atmosphere is around up to 500%, and in the oceans up to 200% above natural values. |
What health problems can heavy metals cause?
Heavy Metals 2 are among the most toxic substances in our environment and represent a large Problem for us humans, because they already affect our organism in Even tiny amounts can cause significant damage.
In general, we can say that heavy metal pollution can lead to problems can be like:
- damage to cell structures
- damage to tissue structures
- inflammation throughout the body
- degenerative aging processes
In concrete terms, heavy metal pollution can therefore cause many cause various complaints. These include:
- rheumatic complaints
- infections
- high blood pressure
- cardiac arrhythmias
- nervousness
- chronic fatigue and exhaustion
- psychological changes
- cognitive disorders such as: problems with mental performance, increasing forgetfulness, attention deficits, concentration problems up to memory loss, etc.
- anxiety, depression
- Headache
- chronic pain
- hormonal disorders
Depending on the individual health predisposition, many other specific complaints occur. 3
It is also assumed that many chronic complaints or Therapy resistance is partly or mainly a cause of heavy metal contamination.
therapy resistance due to heavy metal contamination
Because heavy metals are often considered as a possible cause of complaints are overlooked, those affected often experience that treatment of their complaints is not satisfactory or even useless. You have the impression of being resistant to the treatments for their complaints, the means that her body does not respond to it.
Of course, not every therapy resistance is due to Heavy metal pollution is the basis. Nevertheless, the Complementary medicine with detoxification treatments and Heavy metal detoxification has shown great success especially in Therapy resistance, as is the case with chronic complaints.
Why are heavy metals so harmful to health?
The toxicity of heavy metals in the human body is based on their ability to interact with biomolecules. Heavy metals can, for example, remove essential trace elements from their Binding sites in enzymes and thus the molecular structure of these Enzymes damage, so that they ultimately cripple the enzymes and in their often inhibit or even paralyze vital functions.
Thus, heavy metals can be broken down into microscopically small, elementary structures of our body and cause lasting or often permanent damage to harm.
At the same time, the body often cannot heal itself or can only heal in insufficiently free of these heavy metals. It is then necessary to Combination of very specific means to achieve a Mobilization and elimination of these heavy metals in the body to be able to accomplish.
How can you remove heavy metals? 4
Heavy metal elimination with natural means has 3 levels:
- Mobilization of heavy metals : existing heavy metals are released from the tissue, especially from the nerves.
- Binding of heavy metals : In the so-called Chelation therapy is carried out using chelators 5 the mobilized metal ions are bound.
- Excretion of heavy metals : Mainly via kidneys, The mobilized and bound metal ions are finally Finally, they are excreted from the body, the so-called decorporation 6 .
The Jorinde program for heavy metal elimination was developed to optimally support the body in these processes with natural means to support.
Support of heavy metal elimination
You can support a heavy metal detoxification treatment by increase the detoxification capacity of your body , especially especially by supporting the liver and cleansing the intestines.
We therefore recommend that you support the elimination of heavy metals:
- for general detoxification performance: Jorinde detoxification treatment
- for the liver: Jorinde liver treatment and Jorinde LeberStark
- for the intestines: Jorinde intestinal cleansing (if possible in combination with the Jorinde Rechtslactic acid )
We also recommend building up the intestinal flora in Connection to the heavy metal removal system through the Jorinde intestinal flora building program .
acid-base balance
In general,
- the body detoxifies much better in an alkaline state;
- Heavy metals cause stronger reactions in an acidic body environment can.
Therefore, an alkaline metabolic state is the Supports heavy metal elimination.
Many experts recommend a four-week acid-base treatment before starting the Heavy metal elimination starts.
You can find the Jorinde preparations for regulating the acid-base balance here: Jorinde Acid-Base Balance
What can heavy metal detoxification achieve?
First of all, the symptoms that the caused by heavy metal contamination.
After heavy metal detoxification, the ability to excrete often decreases The body’s ability to deal with other toxins is generally increased, as the organism produces certain enzymes, especially reactivate antioxidant and detoxification systems or increased ATP generation. Simply detoxification capacities in the body that had previously been bound by heavy metal pollution but are now available again.
The most common health improvements through Experience has shown that heavy metal detoxification includes:
- Relief of various complaints caused by heavy metal pollution
- more stable emotional state
- regulation of the circulation
- more energy and motivation in everyday life
- strengthening the immune system
- faster and more pronounced improvements through positive impulses (Dietary change, exercise and sport, relaxation, meditation, etc.)
- Increase in cognitive performance (concentration, ability to learn, mental endurance and clarity)
- general personal well-being
- regulation of hormone levels
- and much more
You can find all Jorinde preparations for heavy metal elimination here:
Jorinde Heavy Metal Detoxification
Due to numerous well-known environmental impacts caused by Air pollution, car traffic, chemical industry, water pipes and -contamination, dishes containing aluminum, deodorants, cosmetics, Cleaning products or medication, and especially for smokers, it is In today's world it has become virtually impossible to avoid these pollutants Heavy metals are stored in our blood vessels, in the Connective tissue, bones, nerves, brain and in every cell of our body deposited. ↩︎
The World Health Organization, WHO, lists ten chemical substances which are considered a threat to human health. There are four heavy metals, these are: cadmium, mercury, lead and arsenic. ↩︎
The typical signs of heavy metal contamination are a non-specific symptomatology, that is, the symptoms of the affected person depend on their individual predisposition and could also be attributed to other causes; the Symptoms are typical, but not specific for the heavy metal contamination. ↩︎
Note: Acute poisoning always requires conventional medical clarification and treatment. ↩︎
Chelating agents have the ability to bind to certain substances depending on their type. Metals form solid bonds. These chelates can then be body by renal elimination, i.e. via the kidneys By the way, the administration of alpha-lipoic acids, which has a Component of Jorinde heavy metal elimination, the detoxifying Increase the effect of these chelating agents. ↩︎
Removal of harmful substances absorbed into the organism, especially metals. ↩︎