Ursachen toxischer Belastung

causes of toxic exposure

There are numerous medical studies that investigate the causes of the penetration of toxins in the human body.

This research identifies various sources of toxic exposure as well as mechanisms by which toxic substances enter our organism get there.

Main causes of toxin intake:

  1. Environmental pollution : air, water and Soil pollution exposes people to pollutants such as heavy metals, Pesticides and industrial chemicals. For example, dioxins and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) via contaminated air and food into the body. ( Link )

  2. Diet : Consumption of foods containing contaminated with pesticides, heavy metals or other pollutants, a significant source of stress. Studies have shown that Fish products can contain high concentrations of mercury, which can lead to an increased absorption of this heavy metal. ( Link )

  3. Consumer goods : Everyday products such as cosmetics, Cleaning products and packaging materials can contain harmful chemicals Often it is only after years of using such products that which lead to a burden, but in the end it does not make any difference and puts strain on the body. ( Link )

  4. Medical exposure : Certain medications and medical treatments can expose the body to toxic substances or weaken it in such a way that toxins that the body would otherwise can defend themselves, can take hold. ( Link )

  5. Stress in the occupational environment : Workers in certain Industries such as metal processing or chemical production are often exposed to higher concentrations of toxins, increasing the risk of increased intake. ( Link )

  6. Lifestyle factors : smoking, alcohol consumption and the Use of certain stimulants can lead to the absorption of toxins Some traditional foods and beverages contain Heavy metals, which when taken regularly lead to an accumulation in the body. ( Link )

  7. Inhalation of particles : Inhalation of contaminated Air, including fine dust and microplastics, can lead to deposition these particles in the respiratory tract and ultimately throughout the body. Studies have shown that inhaled microplastics in can be detected in various organs. ( Link )

For these reasons, we believe it is important to support the body in its to support natural detoxification processes and metabolic processes.

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